Sunday 4 April 2010

Breaking the shell.

Today is Easter Sunday. The significance of the day varies based upon upbringing and faith. Many millions will eat chocolate eggs have an extra special dinner and give little thought to any religious trappings and that is fine. It is the world we live in.

Personally I add a few more elements to the day.

In the Christian calendar today is of course the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. 2000+ years ago he was nailed to a cross on a Friday for saying wouldn’t it be cool if we were all just a bit nicer to each other (Thanks H2G2) only to pop back up and yell ‘surprise suckers’ on the Sunday.

As with most Christian celebrations however it is important to remember they often replaced far more ancient observances. As Christianity was spread along Roman roads throughout the empire it needed to ‘sell’ itself.

‘Oy pagan!. You know that whole thing with worshipping the sun god well you’d better call it Christmas unless you want a bloody good kicking’

For Easter it was the ancient celebration of rebirth. A time when winter became spring and the earth renewed (resurrected). It is sometimes forgotten that the Jewish holiday of Passover falls around the same time each year (The last supper was the main Passover meal for Jesus and his fellow Jews). This is also a story of new beginnings. The exodus from Egypt and escape from slavery etc.

From earliest times the egg has not surprisingly symbolised new life, transformation and new beginnings.

I look at where my life is and examine the positives and negatives. I set myself goals and break out of any shells that confine me. I reaffirm the important connections that have sustained me.

Overall I look for new beginnings and new directions and let best chance of happiness be my compass.

*Hugs Tree*

I also eat a metric ton of chocolate.

Happy Easter.

1 comment:

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