Tuesday 17 November 2009

2b – I Love Amazon

The title kind of says it all. However I will expand.

As predicted by about 10:30am I was fast asleep and dreaming of being beaten about the face and arms by a dear friend (dreams will play a big part in these posts as I have so many). I was awoken from this carnage by the ring of our doorbell. It was the Amazon Man! Ok so technically he works for City Link but he delivers all my Amazon goodies.

Living as I do in a small place it is pretty much always the same guy playing the part of Amazon Man and it is a rare week indeed that we don’t meet over my doorstep at least once.

He always gives me a friendly smile but his eyes seem to say ‘here I am busting my hump and you answer the door in a dressing gown at 3pm – bastard’ Still I bare him no ill will.

OK back to Amazon.

I love books. So much so that I am banned from several county and city libraries because of my failure to return what I borrowed. As a child I would always request books for birthdays and Christmas. My mum approved of this my father however, in pure old time Yorkshire logic, was convinced this confirmed me as a big southern jessy. Living as we did in relative poverty every book was a treasure in my eyes.

Flash forward several years.

When I read about Amazon opening in the USA I was stoked. I may be wrong but I remember this as one of the first genuine online shops. Having little time to browse real life bookshops this was like nirvana to me. I of course went mental and had soon spent several thousand pounds (no joke). The thrill of brown parcels arriving all the way from the US of A filled with books was like a drug.

When they opened the UK store the joy almost killed me.

OK so nowadays finances do not allow the excessive purchasing of the past but the thrill still remains.

By the way it wasn’t a book that arrived but the starter box for D&D more of that later.


  1. Sir, you an I are of like minds when it comes to the reading of books.

  2. What the hell is a southern jessy? Actually, I have my suspicions that it is not a term used to describe the manliest of men.
