Friday 27 November 2009

Giving Thanks

Yesterday was Thanksgiving in The US. Talk of turkey dinners, big family gatherings and a general sense of excitement filled BP and twitter. I of course knew about this holiday in some detail having seen it displayed countless times on US TV and more recently in my growingly in-depth studies of US history and culture. This, however, was the first year I felt that I really understood it.

It really is a thing of beauty.

Here in the UK, it has dawned on me, we have no real celebrations of the ordinary all of ours being of the spiritual kind. The big ones being Christmas and Easter. It is of course true that these holidays, for many, have no real religious significance anymore but the trappings are still there. Due to this faux spiritual, however, the focus rarely reaches a human level.

The sense I get is that this is not so with Thanksgiving. There seems to be a genuine process of grounding. Participants stop, count their blessings and give thanks for what they have. OK perhaps it is not that rose tinted but from where I stand it appears pretty damn special.

Having spent the past few years on something of a mental and physical roller coaster I have much to be thankful for. Continued life being a key one. My nearest and dearest have stayed close and supportive and continue to be the bed rock beneath my feet. As a family we have come through many storms intact and stronger.

This year I am also particularly thankful for new found friendships.

I am tempted to avoid the specific at this point but to be honest that almost seems cowardly. So I won’t.

I am especially thankful for the friendship I have with Alachia. It has, in no small way, lifted me and continues to do so. Our conversations range from the trivial to the monumental and each is a joy to be a part of. By means unconsidered not that long ago I have made a connection that I will cherish forever. OK gush over.

Happy thanksgiving (belated).

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